

DYOE Worksheet Packet


Scientific Paper (DYOE)
 5 Paragraph Essay


These hand outs will help you search and save articles using a few databases found at liliorg. (Thanks Julianna Schiweck, our librarian, for providing these!)


One of the most difficult part of taking a test is understanding what a question is asking. This is an essential skill as we begin to develop critical thinking skills. Some tips:

1. Learn the subject matter. Memorize vocabulary, strive to understand what is being taught in class.

2. Study the definitions of words commonly used in test questions. (Ex. "Explain", "Describe", "Define", "Analyze", "Compare", "Determine", "Identify", "Interpret", "Name", and "State".) The following hand-out provides definitions for each of these words. In order to better understand them, you should read and memorize this hand out. For more help, research these words using a dictionary, asking your parents, and asking Ms. Morris.

3. Learn the meanings of other words in the questions you are expected to answer. For example, objective 2 is this: Explain the differences among observations, hypotheses, and theories. In order to correctly complete this problem, you must know the meaning of the word "differences".  The first step I would take would to be to look up the word "differences" in the dictionary. Here is a link to the dictionary I like to use: Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary. Continue use the dictionary or other resources to help you understand the meaning.

4. Take sample quizzes/tests, complete practice problems, and complete review assignments. Be sure to combine all of the knowledge you gained by using tips 1-3. Links to sample quizzes/tests for these classes can be found on either the page for your class.

5. Have someone review your sample quiz/test. This should be someone who knows what needs to be included. (Your teacher is a good choice. Ms. Morris is available during ACCESS or after school and frequently before school or during certain parts of class.)

Note: For any question/problem that asks for you to "explain" I require the following: definitions, examples, and explanations (tying everything together to show you understand.) The explanation must be of the required item. (For example, explaining the meaning of a term is different from explaining the differences between terms.)