Life Science

Welcome to Life Science with Ms. Morris at Moscow Middle School!

Our goal is to develop scientific skills while learning the basics of life science. We will focus on using the scientific method through asking questions about the world around us, hypothesizing possible answers, creating experiments to test our hypotheses, analyzing the resulting data, coming up with logical conclusions, and communicating our findings clearly. Hopefully it will be a fun adventure as we explore many exciting life science topics!

This course is based on the Common Core State Standards & Idaho State Science Standards. Click on the link below to access learn more about the structure of the course: 

Here are the due dates and other helps for assignments and tests:
(Note: For copy-write purposes, some worksheets won't be posted online. They can be picked up in the class room if needed.)
Quarter 3
2/3-Reading Check 6 (Assignment Guidelines-Relate Text to Visuals OR Mark the Text)
2/18 or 2/19-Test 4 (Closed Book Sample, Open Book Sample)
3/4-Article Summary
3/5 or 3/6-Reading Check 7 (Assignment Guidelines) 
3/27-Redo Deadline

4/6-Reading Check 8 (Assignment Guidelines)
4/8 or 4/9-Test 5 (Closed Book Sample, Open Book Sample) 
4/10-Height Experiment Final Figures (Assignment Guidelines, Diagram WS, Table WS, Chart WS, Line Graph WS)
4/16 or 4/17-Experiment 4: Bacteria 
4/22 or 4/23-Reading Check 9 (Assignment Guidelines)
5/1-Height Experiment Poster
5/7 or 5/8-Experiment 5: Bread Mold
 5/8-Reading Check 10 (Assignment Guidelines)
5/13 or 5/14-Test 6 (Closed Book Sample, Open Book Sample)
5/29-Redo Deadline
6/3-Ecosystem Energy Flow Activity

Safety is an essential part of a physical science classroom. The number one rule of this classroom is RESPECT. If we respect people and property at all times, everything should go well. Below is the class rules policy and safety contract including both a worksheet to aid students in defining respect: