Tuesday, April 10, 2018

9 - 13 April (Week 32)

This quarter we are shifting to a series of projects simulating real-world science situations where we are the scientists. Biology will spend the next two weeks as Evolutionary Theorists seeking to determine the mechanism(s) behind evolution. Towards the end of this week, Earth Science will shift into being Meteorologists seeking to prepare accurate weather forecasts.

Earth Science
Monday: SAGE Prep
Tuesday: Greenhouse Effect Lab
Wednesday: Finish Greenhouse Effect Lab, Atmospheric Circulation
Thursday: Meteorologist -- Research Planning
Friday: Meteorologist -- Component 1

Monday: SAGE Prep
Tuesday: Evolutionary Theorist (PPT) -- Research Planning
Wednesday: Evolutionary Theorist -- Component 1
Thursday: Evolutionary Theorist -- Component 1
Friday: Evolutionary Theorist -- Component 2