My name is Nicole Morris and I love science! I took every science class possible while growing up in the small town of Deary, Idaho. I graduated from the University of Idaho with a B.S. in Biology along with an Idaho teaching certificate with natural science endorsement. I started teaching 9th Grade Earth Science at the Moscow Junior High School in 2010. As Moscow Junior High School (grades 7-9) transitioned to become Moscow Middle School (grades 6-8), I also transitioned to teach 8th grade Physical Science. at Moscow Middle School. The past couple of years I taught both 8th grade Physical Science as well as 7th grade Life Science. With change that comes with time, I made a big move a couple of years ago to start teaching at Joel P. Jensen Middle School. I am now teaching 9th grade Earth Science and 9th grade Biology, including Honors Biology. Although I've loved all the classes I've taught, I'm thrilled to be teaching Earth Science again and also to, finally, have the opportunity to teach the content I know best, Biology. I am excited for the future and look forward to a wonderful year of science!
To make me seem a little more human than just a science geek, here is a little bit about my other interests. Family takes up most of my outside of school time. I have two wonderful little boys who make every day beautiful. We like to play outside, swing at the park, go swimming, laugh, race (toy) cars, watch movies, read books (especially if they have trucks, animals, or both!), and most of all spend time together. We also have a great time attending school functions together (look for us in the stands or on the dance floor!) as well as visiting aquariums, zoos, museums, etc. Be sure to let us know when you have an event you think we should attend. I can't guarantee will make it but would love to know so we can try!
Have toddlers at home? Early elementary school kids? Me, too! As I work with my sons to help them learn, I've made and found a variety of resources. I also have some tips for helping kids learn the skills they need but not causing them to hate learning. As always, happy to share them with you! Just follow this link:
Early Learning Resources (Preschool/Kindergarten)